That Very Small Place

Are you stuck?

Do you ever feel sick, angry, depressed, frustrated, rejected, anxious, in debt, fill-in-the-blank, TIRED of whatever it is that keeps raising its annoying head and stopping you in your tracks and making you feel like some nebulous “something” is just WRONG in your life???

If you feel stuck (or any of the above-listed things), I have a thought for you. AND for me:

You may be feeling that way because you are NOT WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE in some area of your life.

You’re keeping yourself in a space where you don’t belong. Maybe even a literal place.

You’ve gotten yourself wedged in a tight spot NOT MEANT FOR YOU and those spots hurt for a reason:

TO COMPEL YOU — through PAIN — to get you to MOVE from where you ARE to where you actually BELONG!!!

I don’t know the medical terminology for the phenomenon of funny bones (laughing & crying at the same time for the intensity of pain triggered when certain nerves are struck) or knee-jerk reactions, but those are protective measures Nature has in place that, ultimately protects us from experiencing worse pain…for instance, knee-jerk nerves kick in (literally) to keep us UPright when our body perceives that a fall is imminent. The jerk is our nervous systems emergency response to the sensation of falling and it violently yanks us in an opposite direction so as to defy gravity & force us to stand instead of fall.

Unfortunately, it often backfires and the energetic output makes us fall even harder.


If you are in this stuck place — possibly even chronically, there is someone here for you that is going to completely and violently and gloriously CHANGE. YOUR. LIFE. !!!

Like the knee-jerk reaction our nervous system enacts when a certain nerve is triggered in our bodies, there is a resounding “snap!” of energy meant to catapult us into a state of “staying upright” when a crisis happens (be it an actual — like a car accident, or emotional — like anxiety, or spiritual — like depression, or physical — like chronic illness crisis) and our entire being reacts in some negative fashion that, instead, brings us toppling down some proverbial (or real) flight of stairs to land in a heap at the bottom saying, literally, “What the HELL??? AGAIN???!!!”

You are experiencing “pain” because your very BODY is reacting violently to SAVE YOU from STAYING where you DON’T FIT.

You may have fit there once, but now it’s time to move on; to get back into an upright position; to extricate yourself from the small tunnel you are IN and move into the expansive spaces of BEING where you actually BElong.

You do not belong “there.” That’s why it hurts to stay. Stuck.

The Universe conspires NOT “against” you…rather, it conspires FOR you to get out and get out NOW. To save your very life.


So what do we DO in our Stuckness? We feed. And get Stucker. And tell ourselves it’s “God’s Will” or “Our thorn in the flesh” or “Karma” or whatever…so that we can smile doggedly (and sometimes pridefully — been there, laid on that beach, got the t-shirt & tan lines to prove it) and bear up under our personal trial HOPING that, in the end, we will be purified somehow if we just stay there and…well…muddle on. Like Pooh. Eating honey. Stuck. And getting stucker.


We hire therapists. Or join “like-minded” groups. Or sign up for Bible studies. Or call friends & family who “support” us.

It feels good to be amongst people who care. Right???

But being around “people who care” may feel great for awhile, but if we don’t DO something to get ourselves out of the Very Small Place we are not meant for, we begin to get more and more anxious about even our “support” systems because our very CELLS cry out — I mean, literally at a cellular level our bodies REACT! — to “escape before it’s too late!!!”

There are signs and wonders and symptoms and various levels of emergency alerts.

Everyone’s emergency alert is slightly different and individual because these alerts are uniquely suited to get YOU and your unique I AM to take notice and, literally, MOVE. Move to a bigger space where you DO belong; where you can FUNCTION FREELY to not only live in a fully healed space, but to also be a catalyst to HEAL YOUR WORLD in a way that you — and only you — were perfectly equipped to do.

Friends and support are good. But don’t expect that to get you unstuck. You and ONLY you can make that choice.


When you get uncomfortable enough. When you’ve HAD enough. Or you die.

All the well-meaning professionals, advisors, lovers and friends can rally to our side to “help,” but in the end, salvation (or not) is our own choice.


And it is based upon one thing: realizing that we are in a space that is too small for us. Then doing whatever it takes (come hell or high water — and they WILL come…don’t burn or drown there when you are meant to be mobile and FREE!!!) to back up, track UP, and move into the amazingly spacious places meant for you.


How do YOU do that???

How do you get UNstuck and into FREEDOM and PRODUCTIVITY???

You say “Yes.” I’m not kidding. It’s happening to me right this second and it’s miraculous, this little 3-letter word.

Some people like bullet points, direction, and Steps. So. Here ya go:

1.You stop trying to find your answer where you are. Just look at yourself honestly and realize you’re stuck.

2.You ponder where it is that you’ve always dreamed you COULD be; SHOULD be. Your “calling,” your “hopes and dreams,” that thing that makes you wince and cry every time you hear that quote that goes something like “the worst thing that can happen to you isn’t dying. The worst thing that can happen to you is dying with all of your songs (or visions, or talents, or dreams) still trapped inside of you.”

3.You let go of every excuse you’ve ever had about “Why I can’t do that” whether it be affordability, training, location, connections, confidence, education, associations (be they friend, family, foe, or both)…you name it. You’ve got excuses. I know. I’ve got THAT t-shirt, too. And it was hella expensive, let me tell you!

4.Then you look squarely in the eyes of your dreams and you say one word. One simple and amazingly innocuous-seeming word: YES. Just yes. Say it like this: “YES!!!!!!”

You’ve been waiting a long, long time to hear yourself say that. Your dreams have been waiting even longer to hear it.

And the whole freaking Universe is listening — poised and waiting — and catapulted into ACTION for the first time because you said it.

5. Now you REST. You’re done. DONE. No kidding.

Please hear me. This is life altering and your world will begin to change in that same moment you do this.

Even the way complete strangers look at you will change. Because saying Yes! to your calling brings your Destiny into alignment with where you ARE and everything changes.

And here’s the ultimate kicker:


All you have to do is accept your assignment (the one that you’ve known for DECADES is “yours” but you’ve not been able to figure out how to make it happen).

YOU don’t make it happen. You just accept that it’s YOURS by saying Yes! to it.

The Universe is set into motion immediately because Creator has fashioned everything in creation to conspire together to help us expand and HEAL OUR WORLD.

I’m done for now. Something incredible is happening. And it’s not just to me.

I let go of “HOW???”, said my “Yes!!!”, then rested in knowing my “striving & worrying & longing & hoping” — that “work” was complete…and all heaven is breaking loose in my life.

This is that thing you read about in memes that says “your true work should have you getting up in the morning EXCITED to get back at it every day!” Not that it isn’t WORK…but the “work” that we are created for will energize us, not deplete us, IF it is within the sphere of our true calling.

Do the world a favor: Just say Yes! Today.

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